Editing Records

There are several ways to edit records in payroll, depending on the data you are editing and how you choose to display it. There is no right or wrong way to edit a file, in many cases it just depends on your own personal preferences. Here we use the employee file as an example, as it is the most commonly edited record and can be used to illustrate each method. To begin, open an employee file using the F3 search.

Editing in the Right Hand Pane:

  1. In the employee file, select the employee's name at the top of the left pane.
  2. The right hand pane displays employee information such as contact details, characteristics and so on. Select the tab which you wish to edit.
  3. Begin making the required changes (in this example we typed a previous surname).
  4. Note that the Apply and Cancel Changes buttons become enabled when you make any change. You will not be able to leave the screen until you either apply or cancel your changes.

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A can be used to save your changes, rather than clicking the apply button.

Editing in a Pop-up Window:

Many records can be opened in a pop-up window, rather than in the main screen.

  1. In the employee file, highlight the Banking node in the left hand pane.
  2. The right hand pane shows a list of current bank accounts, with one account per line.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • Highlight an entry in the right hand pane and click the Edit button.

    -- OR --
  • Double click the entry in the right hand pane.
  1. The selected record opens in an independent pop-up window. The settings vary depending on the record being edited.
  2. Make any required changes, then do one of the following:
  • Click Cancel to exit without saving changes.
  • Click Apply to save changes and continue working.
  • Click OK to save changes and close the pop-up window.

Editing in a grid

Some items such as pay items, deductions and leave are edited in a grid. Each line of the grid contains one payment transaction such as ordinary time or leave. Each line is divided into fields, storing settings for that transaction such as the hours or rate. Some fields are protected and therefore greyed out, but sections in white can be edited. There are several different types of fields.

Using Drop-Down Lists

  1. In the employee file, select the pay items node on the left, then click on the standard pay items node on the right.
  2. Click in the default pay items column. A drop down arrow appears, which you can click to access a list of all available pay items.
  3. Select a deduction from the list to add it to the employee.
  4. Click away from the field or press the down arrow on your keyboard to confirm your entry.
  5. Shortcuts are available for those who prefer using a keyboard. MoreClosedClick in the default pay items column to give it the focus, then begin typing the code of the required pay items. The drop down list automatically appears. Use the arrows on your keyboard to highlight a pay item, then press enter. You can then tab to the next editable field, or press the down arrow to save your changes.

Editing Hours and Rates

  1. Double click in the rate field for the pay item.
  2. Type a new rate then click away from the field or press the down arrow on your keyboard to confirm the entry.
  3. Notice how the amount field re-calculates automatically, even though it is greyed out. This is a calculated field.

Editing a Payrun:

To edit a payrun use the following steps:

  1. From the navigator select Payroll | Payrun.
  2. Double click the Wizard node
  3. Step 1 of the wizard lists all existing payruns. You may only edit a payrun with a status of open.
  4. Do one of the following:
  • Double click a payrun with a status of Open.
    -- OR --
  • Highlight a payrun with a status of Open. In the lower half of the screen select the Edit or amend entries in an existing payrun, then click Next.